The entire external MCG concourse is now a smoke-free zone in response to recent changes in Victorian government legislation.
Among the reforms to the Tobacco Act that came into effect on Tuesday August 1 is a requirement that smoking be prohibited within 10 metres of a food stall or food vendor at organised outdoor events.To address this requirement, and to ensure that we continue to provide a safe working environment for staff and patrons, the existing smoke-free zone around the MCG will be expanded to the outer edge of the external concourse.
This means that people who wish to smoke must now do so on any grassed area or pathway in Yarra Park, or on the bridges connecting the MCG to Hisense Arena and Rod Laver Arena.
The smoke-free zone applies at all times, not just on MCG event days. It is an approach designed to be easy to comprehend for both smokers and non-smokers, as well as adhering to the relevant legislation.
MCC CEO Stuart Fox asked for co-operation from fans attending AFL matches at the MCG this weekend, as the club goes about installing signage, relocating cigarette bins and marking lines on the bridges to indicate where smokers will be able to smoke.
“The MCC is committed to providing the safest possible working environment for the thousands of people that make up the MCG workforce on any given day,” said Mr Fox.
"We are also mindful of the discomfort that many patrons experience when confronted with smokers located near the stadium entrances, and this change will help alleviate that issue.
“We ask patrons to be mindful of the new smoke-free zone and to co-operate with requests from staff to smoke only in those areas, as we seek to ensure a safe and pleasant MCG experience for all visitors.”